9-9-19 "Challenge Workout #4" & Max Effort Lower Body

If you are following only the September "Challenge Accepted" workouts, skip the "Main Work" and "Auxiliary" work and move to the "CHALLENGE WORKOUT"
Video demonstrations will be posted on our instagram @garagegymbarbell_training
Log your time for "funsies"
Warm up
3 rounds of:
- 20 banded walks
- low lunge hold (each side)
- 20 med ball goodmornings
then 3 rounds of:
- 15 sit ups *lower this number if it becomes difficult. this is just to warm up the torso
- 15 KB swings
Main Work
*the main work will have 3 options for those with limited equipment & beginners
Option 1)
- Work up to a 1 rep Max Squat with 20% chains
*warm up to 60% then add chains totaling 20% of your (current 1 rep max full squat) add weight until you reach a 1 rep max.. See video for How to attach chains properly
Option 2) for those with limited equipment
- Work up to a 1 rep Max Box Squat -> watch this video for Proper Box Squats. Box squats are often done incorrectly ('m still a work in progress y'all and I've been doing them for a few years) Don't just tap the box.. sit your weight on the box and overcome that "full stop" and be sure to keep your tightness as you sit on the box. **Watch the video for other important coaching cues!
Option 3) for those without a barbell & beginners
- DB front squats to a box 5x6- hold 2 DB at your shoulders and squat to the box..be sure to watch the video above "Proper Box Squats" to start implementing good box squat form
Auxiliary Work
- banded barbell Goodmornings 3x8 *if you are new to this movement DO NOT add the bands until you're stronger in this lift. Keep weight light for practice and form. Keep your back arched or "straight" but do not let the back round
- Stiff leg deadlifts 3x8
- banded hamstring curls 3x30
Complete the following:
- 40 Plate ground to overhead
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 20 DB walking lunges
- 30 Plate ground to overhead
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 20 DB walking lunges
- 20 Plate ground to overhead
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 20 DB walking lunges
- 10 plate ground to overhead
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 20 DB walking lunges
*weights are based on bodyweight see below
*option to use sand bag in place of plate
Training Notes:
This workout combines hip power and abs. Limit yourself to 20mins on this workout. Below are recommended weights but be sure use a weight that allows you to finish the workout
Plate ground to overhead: Based on body weight and Strength *these are recommendations, THIS IS IMPORTANT if your bodyweight is higher but your strength level is lower, choose the lower plate weight. Beginners may find a 10-15lb plate to be the ideal plate weight. Demonstration of the movement Here.
25lb plate for body weight under 140llbs
35lb plate for body weight under 160lbs
45lb plate for body weight over 180lbs
Be sure to use the hip power as the plate moves the center of your body (similar to a kb swing)
Toes to Bar: If you struggle with this movement a) get your toes as high as you can... I call them "Toes to High as I can Get Them" which is what most of mine will look like;), b) switch to hanging knee raises or c) move to the floor for leg lowers
DB walking Lunges: Based on body weight and Strength *these are recommendations, THIS IS IMPORTANT if your bodyweight is higher but your strength level is lower, choose the lower DB weight OR choose bodyweight lunges only.
15lb each hand for body weight under 140lbs
25lb each hand for body weight under 160lbs
30lb each hand for body weight over 180lbs
For those who struggle with lunges, you can use a box at your side to land some of your weight and push off as you come up. Substitute air squats if needed.
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