9-11-10 Volume upper body

Main work
- Bench 5x5x75%
Pause on your last rep
Auxiliary work
- DB shoulder press 5x12
- DB decline tricep extensions 5x12
- lat pull downs 5x12
If you don't have a lat pull down machine, attach bands to your rack or pull up bar. Click HERE for a visual
Conditioning work
Created by our Tiffany Galan. This can be done after your strength work or as a standalone conditioning workout if your limited on time/or equipment.
"We remember" workout in honor of the 2,977 lives lost on 9-11-2001
Main work
20 min & 01 sec AMRAP of:
- 9 pull ups
- 11 snatches
- 9 kb swings
- 11 burpees
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