6-11-20 Garage Gym Series

Today's workout is the Girls Gone Rx
note- you may need to stagger your time and allow groups of 2-3 to complete the workout first then allow another group so that we each have a bar and space to complete the workout for time.
Garage Gym Series #1 workout
GGS 20.1 "Sorry" (TIME CAP 20MINS)
Complete for time:
- 50 hand release burpees over barbell
- 50 toes to bar
- 50 Thrusters @75lbs
Scaled workout:
- 50 hand release burpees over barbell
- 50 hanging knee raises
- 50 Thrusters @55lbs
Training notes:
Workout Instructions
*Hang Release Burpees over Barbell: The Athlete will start standing tall on one side of their barbell (facing or laterally), touch their chest to the ground, and release both hands from the ground at the same time. The Athlete will then jump over the barbell to the opposite side with two feet (all divisions) for 1 repetition. A fully open hip and knee is not required when jumping over the barbell.
*Toes to Bar: Athletes will start from a hanging position with their feet clear of the ground, and their arms straight. Athletes will then bring their feet behind the plane of the pull up bar and bring both toes to the bar between their hands at the same time for 1 repetition.
*Hanging Knee Raises: Athletes will start from a hanging position with their feet clear of the ground, and their arms straight. Athletes will then bring their feet behind the plane of the pull up bar and bring their knees above the height of their hips for 1 repetition.
*Thrusters: Athletes will begin the repetition from the front rack position, pass through a full depth squat (hip crease clearly below knees), and finish the movement with the barbell locked out overhead in the midline of the body. Athletes may choose to complete a squat clean thruster from their first repetition (if squat depth is met). No "push jerk" thrusters will be permitted.
*Collars must be used.
*Video submissions must show a time clock throughout the workout and filmed so that the standards are easily judged.
*Time Cap is 20 minutes. If capped Athlete will enter completed repetitions.
*Score: Time (Cap: 20 Minutes) Scores due Sunday 5pm MST
WE ARE STILL GOING TO DO THE SQUATS & DEAD VOLUME just complete it after the garage gym series workout. This is the ONLY time we would ever do cardio before our squats and deads. But most are competing for time and you need to give all your energy to that competition
- Squats 12x2x50% +bands or chains
use a SSB or Camber bar if possible and stick with that same bar for the next 3 weeks for volume days - Deadlifts 6x3x75%
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