3-25-20 Upper Body Volume

Join our Quarantine Photo Challenge:

Day 3 take a photo of:
"Workout Wednesday- show us how you sweat"
*post your pic of your workout Wednesday and tag us on Facebook or IG

Posting 2 otptions with equipment and without

For those with minimal equipment
(barbell, rack & db's)

Main work

  • Bench 10x2
    If you've been following the GGB programming- add 5lbs to your last weight we did on 3-16. If you're just jumping into our programming, find a weight that you can successfully complete all 10 sets & 2 reps. Log your weight.
  • Strict press 6x2x80%
    Warm up, then all sets at 80%. If you don't have a strict press max: work up in weight for these until you find a heavy 2 rep

Log your weights because we're going to keep progressing on both of these movements

Auxiliary work
On your 3rd set of each of these movements do an AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

  • DB shoulder press 3x12
  • 90 degree lateral raise 3x12 HERE
  • landmine row 3x12 *If you don't' have a landmine handle, use a towel
  • standing banded row 3x12
  • bicep curls 3x12


     For those with DB only

    Complete the following with as little rest as possible.

    • DB shoulder press 4x12
    • 90 degree lateral raise 4x12
    • single arm bent over row -RIGHT 4x12
    • single arm bent over row- LEFT  4x12.
    • bicep curls 4x12

    Note- if you're working with light db's turn this into a tabata of 5 rounds 30 secs work/10 secs rest. It will keep your reps high and rest period low.

    then, complete 5 rounds tabata 20secs work/10 secs rest of:

    • bicycle crunch
    • sit ups
    • plank hip dips

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