12-16-20 COMP PREP Wednesday Recovery and Restoration

Wednesday, per request, is a booty Tabata! Follow the warm up or create your own and end with some band work for shoulder health. Many of the exercises have the same video example so note the time indicated to jump to that point.
WARM UP ~ 2 Rounds
- Curl Up: Hold for 10 seconds, 6 reps (video at 1:10)
- Bird Dog: Hold for 10 seconds, 6 reps (video at 4:55)
- Cat Cow: 20 cat, 20 cow
TABATA ~ 20/10 8 Rounds
- Glute Bridge March
- Side Plank Left (video at 3:30)
- Frog Pump
- Side Plank Right
- Banded Lateral Walk: more of a side to side or couple steps for time, band above your knees, squat position
BANDS ~ 4 Rounds
- 30 Single Arm Standing Banded Row Right (video at 0:30)
- 30 Single Arm Standing Banded Row Left
- 15 Internal Shoulder Rotation - use a knee sleeve or two (video at 0:11)
- 15 External Shoulder Rotation - use a knee sleeve or two (same video at 0:44) watch for overcorrection
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