12-15-20 COMP PREP Tuesday d/e upper body

Warm up
If you missed any part of yesterday's work, add it now as part of the warm up.
2 rounds of:
- 1 sled trip
- 1 min plank hold
- 50 banded pull aparts
- 50 banded tricep pull downs
- 30 light barbell only or dumbell clean & press
Main work
- Bench 5x3x75% wide grip
Even tho we're not using chains or bands today, push your speed with full weight. Think of launching with the lats as you press - Jm press to pins 3x6-8 heavy
If you need to substitute this movement, pick a tricep movement that allows you to move heavy. - seated rows 4x10-12
If you have access to a lat pull down machine this will be easy set up. For those like us working with limited equipment, see this video on how we accomplish with bands HERE - lat pull down close grip 4x10-12
- DB floor press 4x8-10
Second workout
- 10 min sled drag light/moderate
walking side to side and rotating sides each direction - Db lateral side raise pyramid:
- 4x10 start light and increase weight each set, no rest between sets
- rest 15 secs
- 4x10 start at heaviest set and decrease weight each set, no rest between sets
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