1-3-20 upper body volume

warm up

2 rounds of: 

  • mini band 1 o'clock, 3 o’clock, 5 o’clock 
  • banded shoulder side raises
  • banded tornados 

then 4 rounds tabata 20/10:

  • Barbell push up 
  • db shoulder press
  • mtn climber 

Main work 

  • bench 9x3x50% +bands *work on speed
  • strict press 5x3*work up in weight *use a specialty bar if you have available
  • 1x100 burpees *do these app anytime during your workout to accumulate 100


4 rounds of the following with as little rest as possible 

  • 6 power snatches or clean & press
  • 15 db lateral raises
  • 15 db push press

end with 100 banded side raises each side 

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