8-26-20 Tiffany Conditioning Day

Tip of the Day: What to do when you've been a jerk?
LOL oh you thought the tip of the day was related to our training. Well in fact it is, knowing how to recover from being a jerk is a part of pushing our mental limits and is directly related to pushing our strength limits and the ability to never let your emotions get in the way of your training.Yesterday was a shit show for me and a bit out of character. Hard work and Love for the people in my circle and those that cross my life is a priority to me. It's something that I work on daily. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been the occasional asshole and need to reflect. I'm sharing some of my reflections for the day and hope that if you find yourself in the same situation, you look internal for a wider perspective. Never hold onto resentment and negativity. Here's my tips for overcoming being an asshole :)
•Focus on learning about your reaction
•Seperate the asshole from your identity; it doesn't define who you are
•Breath, it's okay and everyone around you will be ok
•Admit when you're being a jerk
•ApologizeLet's crush it today and don't let anything take you off your course!
We've got a great Wicked Wednesday by Tiffany!
Today is a good day to spend some time working on mobility with any tight spots you have.
Main work
20 min AMRAP of:
- 6 squat thrusters
- 6 pull ups
- 6 box jumps
- 6/6 lunge to kick backs
then, 4 rounds tabata 30 secs work/10 secs rest of:
- flutter kicks
- heel taps
- sit ups
Modified version for those competing Oct 3rd:
20 min AMRAP of:
- 6 push ups
- 6 pull ups
- 50 jump rope
- 8 leg lowers
then, 4 rounds tabata 30 secs work/10 secs rest of:
- flutter kicks
- heel taps
- sit ups
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