9-17-21 FRIDAY upper body

For beginners or those with limited equipment
Seated DB overhead press 4x12
- Incline DB rows 4x15
- Curl bar or DB skull crusher 4x15
- Flat DB tates press 4x15
- End with:
3 rounds of
20 side lying thumbs down rear delt raises
20 scap push up
for those with a rack, barbell and chain/bands & weights
- Bench press 5x5x45% +25% chain or band
Seated DB overhead press 4x12
- Incline DB rows 4x15
- Curl bar or DB skull crusher 4x15
- Flat DB tates press 4x15
- End with:
3 rounds of
20 side lying thumbs down rear delt raises
20 scap push ups